
It was an afternoon like none other.
People were gathered at the house of
Cheryl & James and the Shasta was
flowing. Those in attendance were
baffled as to how such a seemingly
benign soft drink with a dorky name
could possibly become a focal point
for the afternoon's discussion, but
maybe that's just the power of Shasta.

A mysterious benefactor going only by the
moniker of "Pete the Pollock" is rumoured
to have been the one to provide these
16 oz. value cans of Shasta, supposedly
just so "the kids" would have something
to drink while the adults got sloshed at
this premier outdoor summer event.

Then... FoxDotCom came into being. As just
an idea at first. And not necessarily a
good idea, but an idea just the same.
FoxDotCom founder, Fox, immediately hired
a horde of underlings to perhaps do his
twisted bidding, to spread the word, to do
whatever it took to make FoxDotCom a success.

Meet the FoxDotCom crew!

Totally Shasta'd out of their skulls! Ready for action! Or In-Action, depending on what the situation calls for!
Teenage girls! Dork-a-saurus artsy cab-driver bozo's! Giants!
This team definitely has the wide-range of skills necessary to make FoxDotCom
the largest smallest website offshoot of the website semi-empire ever

e-mail Doug

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