Don't Get Me stART-ed!

A pared down version of the Fox
DotCom crew was on-hand for the
2009 edition of stART on the Street
in ever-colorful Worcester, Mass.
Fox, his mom Cyndi and Action Geek
made their way from the semi-West Side
to the closed off section of Park Ave.
glutted with arts & culture enthusiasts
primarily to visit That's Entertainment
to score some Sonic the Hedgehog comics
and to play vintage video games.

Avoiding as many hipster doofuses as
possible in this heavily infested town,
the crew plowed past jewelry hucksters,
dream catcher creators, would-be-but-no
black velvet painters who wussed out and
used more conventionally accepted materials
and successfully located THAT'S!

We entered the nerd establishment and
immediately sought out the goods.
Several swarthy staffmembers assisted
in our search and proved to be especially
helpful in finding what we were searching for.
Then the game room where Fox indulged in
some Sonic Sega action of some sort.

Dramatic poses! Intense videogame action! People composed primarily of tape!
And a seemingly incomprehensible sign advising rogue golfers to not even THINK
about plying their trade in said signed area of no golfing.
After escaping stART, the crew consumed tacos, accosted gas station
customers while acquiring smokes and then proceeded back to base.

Sad, Sad State of Things at the FoxDotCom HQ...

Upon first arriving at the FoxDotCom HQ before stART, it was brought to
Action Geek's attention that the two resident teenage daughter FoxDotCom
staffmembers had left their quadrant in a deplorable state.
Immediate documentation of said sad state of affairs commenced.
One of the girls tried to pin the blame re: a random plate placed
haphazardly (and dirtily) on one of the beds as being Fox's, but
no further evidence was brought out to either confirm or deny these
most heinous accusations. In all likelihood, this situation has been
cleaned up and the hazmat crews have made a sweep of the area.

e-mail Doug

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