Misc. DCSC Scooter Pics

State Police
Trike Scoot Bike

I spotted this new contraption
while making one of zillions of
deliveries to & from UMass
Memorial Hospital on Belmont St.

Not sure why they needed this for
such a small hospital grounds,
especially when there's already
plenty of police cruisers that
are servicing the hospital.
(You should see how badass the
new UMass Police Dodge Charger
looks! And I don't mean the
unmarked one, but the Road Warrior-
looking beast usually situated
near the UMass Univ Campus ER...)

My 2004 Aprilia Mojito Custon 150 and a gorgeous green FIAT taxi cab!

My 2004 Aprilia Mojito Custon 150 and a Heinkel Tourist 175cc scoot from the 60s!

The Wooden Scooter


(click here for
more pictures!)

My Mojito in front of the infamous Ralph's Diner in Worcester.

British Iron Spring Meet

As usual, lots of fun, lots of vintage
and not quite so vintage motorcycles.

DINER CITY Scooter Club, Action Geek
and Pottymouth were are representing under
our $20 Grossman's Special tent contraption.
(see James Pottymouth manning the store)

It was a little drizzly... okay, quite a bit
rainy and cold for a while, but the sun came
out enough so that it wasn't a complete

I brought my Honda Metropolitan in the PT
Cruiser and entered it into the vast array
of other scooters (HA!) in the field.
Please take note of the vast emptiness in
the field surrounding my lonely Metro
with the ubiquitous "scooter" sign. (sigh)

The only other vehicle entered in the scooter
category was actually a vintage 80s moped,
not even an actual scooter. Where it had
VINTAGE, mine was actually a scooter, but
the young kid (whose Dad totally refurbed
this moped for him... again... HA!) managed
to walk away with "Best Scooter Award".
Whatever. (But what gets me is that he one this
with a MOPED... not a scooter... AND he'd won
this at previous British Iron events. What gives?!)

All in all, it was a great day in Auburn for
this show and I didn't even go into the sad
details of me competing in the field events WITH
the Metropolitan and a large degree of fun &
silliness. I'll let someone else tell THAT story.

Kenwood Diner
Spencer, MA
Doug & Dharia-2005

Bean Counter
Worcester, MA
Doug - 2005

Leicester Drive-In - early Nov. 2004

Bancroft Tower
Worcester, MA

Putting 2 Scooters
in a PT Cruiser!

Rt. 30 in
Grafton, MA

Rt. 30 again,
near Tufts...

Still Rt. 30...
Scooter keys...

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